Does Snoopy Love Donald Trump?

‘For those outside the snoopy community, snoopyweekly recently made an aggressive fascistic push,’ explained the writer Jamie Loftus, adding that ‘Dailysnoopys is the way to go.’ That account, aside from offering a more reliable product, also posts fundraisers for Palestinians trapped in Gaza.
As Snoopy fans split into camps on social media, it’s easy enough to ask: Why don’t we just leave the cartoon dog out of it? Is he not adored by millions of hard-working Americans of all backgrounds who believe in the enduring power of Snoopy’s ideals: liberty, opportunity, clowning on Charlie Brown, and unyielding swag?
‘We started this profile last year as a distraction from the difficult economic times,’ the accompanying statement read, along with some complaints about a ‘secure border’ and the current administration prioritizing ‘illegal immigrants’ over ‘prosperity for its tax paying citizens.’
‘He did not stay away from controversial issues like population control or civil rights or the Vietnam War. He would introduce those issues, but more as a backdrop to the personal stories of his characters.’
Read at Intelligencer