Make it a conversation, not a deposition. One of my most memorable moments before an interview even began happened earlier this year. As we were setting up to interview a prominent lawyer, our interviewee playfully remarked, 'Is this a deposition?' This person made the comment in jest, but it has since become the most valuable piece of advice I carry into every Q&A and interview since. Engaging the interviewee as a participant, rather than an object of examination can lead to richer, more meaningful dialogue.
It's truly a toss-up who dreads Q&As more after a presentation - the presenter or the audience. Conventionally, one might think it should be the presenter, but experience has shown that the audience often deserves our sympathy instead. That’s because every professional gathering that has opened the floor to audience questions tends to include one type of person whose 'question' is often a thinly veiled attempt to dominate the dialogue, divert the conversation, or self-promote.