Spanish farmers in Toledo are pushing back against fines imposed by labour inspectors for not providing portable toilets on their farms during the olive harvest. The agricultural union, Union de Uniones de Castilla-La Mancha, expressed outrage over this demand, which they deemed unreasonable and absurd, suggesting that it parallels unreasonable expectations for other professions. Following viral social media coverage of the situation, the labour inspectorate opted to suspend proceedings. Farmers feel the fines, which could exceed 2,000 euros, exemplify bureaucratic overreach and disregard for practicalities in agricultural settings.
We farmers have come to the conclusion that both the labour inspectors and Guardia Civil police wear nappies, so that if they feel the need, they can make up for the lack of the services.
The situation is beyond absurd, it has become a farce, a joke. What the labour inspectorate is asking is like demanding the maintenance crew that repairs high-voltage power lines provide a toilet service.