Conservative Columnist Drops The Hammer on Trump Politicizing LA Fires: This Is Not That Moment!'

Well, I mean, it's a catastrophe of a global magnitude. And in this day, in a human tragedy, it's hard to get your head around, you know, and there will be a time to go, you know, to, you know, assess responsibility, to ask questions about why are the firefighters not getting water. But this is not that moment!
When we would pull together, we would say, you know, let's put partisan politics aside for the moment and let's assure the people of Southern California that this country has their back, that we are united, we will do whatever it takes. Donald Trump does not have that instinct.
The juxtaposition of the seriousness of the tragedy and the unseriousness and the demagoguery of Donald Trump, you know, should be breathtaking, except we've seen this.
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