Conclave Review: The Picking of a Pope Becomes Fascinating Viewing - Seriously

"Conclave glories in the traditions that define this act of succession, from the sealing of the deceased Pope's chambers to the arrangement of toiletries provided to the visiting Cardinals."
"Cardinal Lawrence (Fiennes) knows one thing: He definitely isn't interested in the job... He just wants to get through the process of overseeing the election of said new Pope."
"Cardinal Bellini... has a more liberal outlook on the Church, but doesn't necessarily have the support, while Cardinal Tedesco, Cardinal Adeyemi, and Cardinal Tremblay represent a more conservative outlook."
"Cinematographer Lucian Msamati brings out the beauty of the film's Roman locations while also leaning hard on close-ups on everything from canisters of colored smoke to the rich fabrics worn by those in attendance."
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