Cate Blanchett launches fund for refugee film-makers

Cate Blanchett is spearheading the Displacement Film Fund, a grant initiative aimed at supporting refugee filmmakers. The project will provide up to 100,000 to five selected individuals to produce short films detailing the experiences of displaced populations. Backed by the International Film Festival Rotterdam and the UNHCR, this pilot scheme addresses the urgent global issue of forced displacement, currently affecting over 122 million individuals. The initiative emphasizes the significance of storytelling through film, with Blanchett aiming to create intimate narratives that resonate with audiences worldwide. Final recipients will be revealed during the Cannes film festival.
Film can drop you into the texture and realities of someone's life like no other art form, Blanchett said.
It is this aim of creating personal, intimate touch points that the Displacement Film Fund seeks to achieve.
Refugee film-makers face a unique set of challenges in bringing their stories to the screen.
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