Vikki Webb, clinic manager, stated, "All of the staff at BPAS Finsbury Park are very relieved that from the October 31 we will no longer have to live with the constant threat of protesters appearing at our clinic door to intimidate and upset our patients and staff. It simply isn't fair that women and staff fear coming to the clinic because they may be handed a leaflet by a woman following them up the path with a baby in a pushchair."
Catherine West, MP, expressed, "No woman should ever face intimidation for accessing abortion services, yet despite parliament voting for buffer zones almost two years ago, the Tories failed to bring them into law. I'm delighted that Labour has acted swiftly."
Vikki Webb emphasized, "The implementation of safe access zones will have a positive effect on everyone. Patients will be able to access our services without fear and we can deliver the healthcare that they deserve."