A recent poll revealed that 'Forrest Gump' is America's all-time favorite movie, followed closely by classics like 'The Wizard of Oz' and 'Titanic'. While millennials and Gen Z show a preference for modern favorites like 'Shrek' and 'Avengers: End Game', baby boomers favor 'The Godfather'. Nearly a third of Gen Z values soundtracks deeply, and many consider their favorite films guilty pleasures. Millennials reportedly watch their favorites nearly 50 times, showcasing a significant generational divide in viewing habits and film selections.
"Forrest Gump" has been crowned America's all-time favorite movie, showing that heart-wrenching, soul-seeking films grip their audiences the most, as revealed by a recent poll.
The average American believes they have watched their favorite movie 38 times, while millennials average about 50, closely followed by Gen Z at 49.
Over half of Gen Z admitted their all-time favorite movie could be categorized as a guilty pleasure, showcasing generational differences in movie preferences.
A little more than a third of millennials rewatch their favorite movie daily, indicating a deeper connection and greater engagement with their chosen films.