Adapting Modernism in Argentina: The Case of Grupo Austral and Los Eucaliptos Building

The Austral Group is a collective of architects in Argentina that seeks to reinterpret Le Corbusier's rationalism in light of local contexts. Originating from a collaboration between architects in Paris, the group advocates for architecture that reflects Argentina's climate, lifestyles, and materials. This endeavor sparks discussions on whether European architecture can appropriately adapt to local conditions, emphasizing the importance of local identity. Their manifesto and significant work, the Los Eucaliptos building, demonstrate their commitment to developing architecture that resonates with the Argentine identity while addressing urban and environmental concerns.
The Austral Group's approach represents a fusion of international modernism with Argentinian traditions, leading to an architecture that reflects local contexts and materials.
By integrating Le Corbusier's rationalism with local identity, the Austral Group engages in a dialogue questioning how European architecture translates into Argentinian vernacular.
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