"Investors looking to diversify their portfolios beyond the U.S. market may find the Vanguard FTSE All-World ex-US Small-Cap ETF (VSS) particularly appealing. It provides access to thousands of small-cap stocks across various developed and emerging markets, which could outperform larger caps in the long run. With a low expense ratio of just 0.08%, it's an excellent choice for those who want to enhance their foreign equity allocation without the hefty fees typical of some funds."
"As the bull market continues, it’s essential to explore underrated ETFs for better diversification. Index funds often fail to capture opportunities in niche markets or sectors, and investors can unlock new potential returns by selecting more specialized ETFs. The VSS is especially adept at offering a balanced approach to investing internationally while minimizing risk exposure to any single market or economic event, making it a solid addition for cautious investors looking for growth around the globe."