Moving from a large city to a small town can elicit culture shock that goes beyond mere lifestyle changes, highlighting social and service dynamics. New residents often face a tight-knit community where the dating pool feels constricted, exemplifying the interconnected nature of relationships. Additionally, there's an observable lack of competence in service roles, leading to bizarre encounters, such as a cable technician unaware of the implications of disconnecting service. Newcomers can find the small town's social customs perplexing, such as neighbors waving hello, which may feel alien to those from larger urban settings.
"The dating pool is ankle-deep. When a couple breaks up, we all move over one."
"For me, it was the accepted level of incompetence. And this wasn't a tiny town; there were over 35K residents."
"I probed him a bit more and found out he legitimately did not understand that when he disconnected the cable, it stopped working for people."
"The first thing I recall was people driving by the house and waving at us. I kept asking her: 'Who is that?'"