How to reframe anger at work to your advantage

Anger in the workplace is common, arising from abusive supervisors or interpersonal conflicts. Scholars have studied the nuances of anger across various disciplines, but no effective framework for managing this emotion exists. Through a review of over 400 research articles, the authors propose viewing anger as a flow of emotion, akin to water through a hose. This perspective highlights the importance of directing and modulating anger to manage it effectively, emphasizing understanding its path and strength for constructive outcomes.
Imagine a coworker charges into your office, yelling, breathing heavily, face reddened, veins bulging. Even if you are simply a colleague, your attention is now fixed on them.
Despite the ubiquity of anger in the workplace and the decades of anger research that exists, we found no straightforward way to understand the complexity of anger's life cycle.
Our suggestion: Think of anger as a flow of emotion, like water through a garden hose, allowing for unpacking its key dimensions: path and strength.
Understanding whether the hose is pointed effectively and whether the strength of the stream is appropriate are critical for knowing when, how, and why to deal with anger.
Read at Fast Company