Trevor Denman, a legendary horse race caller with over four decades of experience in Southern California, has announced his retirement, with Larry Collmus set to take his place at Del Mar. Denman, 72, is recognized for his unique phrases and contributions to the sport, transitioning from part-time calls to main announcer at Santa Anita by 1984. He reflected on the need for retirement, citing traffic on the 210 Freeway and wanting to make the most of the time he has left in life. His legacy includes calling key races at various venues, solidifying his status as one of the sport's greatest figures.
"I knew I didn't want to do this the rest of my life. They say you have about 32,000 days on this Earth and I’ve already used up about 22,000 of them."
"The killer is there is no way around it. When you multiply it out, you are sitting in your car a couple weeks a year... What am I doing with my life?"