The Biltmore Hotel used to look like that? See it as a hospital, movie set, murder scene

"The Biltmore Hotel has survived hurricanes, land busts, gangsters, nasty critics and even rumors of a ghost to emerge as one of South Florida's most written-about landmarks."
"Biltmore was modeled after the Giralda Tower of Seville, Spain... hailed as one of the showpieces of the nation. Even the New York Times covered its opening."
"The Biltmore attracted the likes of Johnny Weissmuller, who swam his first world record in the hotel pool, the largest in the continental United States... It also attracted gangsters, the most famous: Al Capone."
"The government converted it into a hospital for troops wounded during World War II - and promptly covered its marble floors with linoleum and painted it a dreary white... the Biltmore became a kennel for dogs used in medical experiments."
Read at Miami Herald