Miami-Dade prosecutors have intensified charges against Mordechai Brafman, 27, who shot two Israeli tourists, changing them from second-degree to first-degree attempted murder with a hate crime enhancement. Prosecutors assess all cases for potential hate motivations based on Florida's enhancement statute. Brafman reportedly targeted the victims after identifying them as Palestinians, despite their Jewish identity. Surveillance footage documented the shooting incident, which sparked public outcry, leading local leaders and organizations like CAIR-Florida to urge further responses for the safety of affected communities.
Mordechai Brafman, the suspect, spontaneously remarked to police that he saw two Palestinians and shot them, which has led to hate crime enhancement on his charges.
The hate crime enhancement applied to Brafman's second-degree attempted murder charges reflects the commitment of Miami-Dade prosecutors to addressing crimes motivated by hate.
CAIR-Florida praised the hate crime enhancement decision but called for more assurances regarding the safety of Palestinian and Arab residents from local officials.
Brafman's actions, which were captured on surveillance video showing him firing 17 shots, have raised significant concerns regarding targeted violence against specific communities.