Martin Lewis, a financial expert, emphasizes the importance of mental health without discussing his own experiences. He founded the Money and Mental Health Policy Institute to combat the adverse effects of economic stress on mental health. After selling his website, he allocated millions for charitable causes, particularly helping vulnerable individuals facing debt and mental health challenges. His charity has successfully influenced policies to prevent distressing communications from lenders and promote training for health professionals to recognize the correlation between financial issues and mental wellbeing.
I'm not a case study, says the money expert and broadcaster Martin Lewis, politely but firmly batting away questions about his own mental health. I'm not being rude to you in any way. All I want to do is let people know that like many people, I have brittle mental health, and I have experienced my dark days, but I don't see the need to make that public.
Of his motivation, he has spoken of his growing realisation of the marriage from hell that is the combination of money problems and mental health issues.
We have to protect people, he says. We have to protect people who can't protect themselves, and we sometimes have to protect people from themselves within the mental health world.
Lewis's charity has chalked up some significant policy wins in its time, including changes to rules that forced lenders to send distressing letters to people in problem debt, and the introduction of a training module for all health professionals on the links between money and mental health problems.