Meghan Markle has become a focal point for societal issues surrounding celebrity culture, particularly through the lens of her new lifestyle series. The article discusses the 'pedestal effect,' where public admiration transforms into resentment when celebrities fail to meet societal expectations. It highlights how online anonymity contributes to a cycle of trolling and cyberbullying, especially against women. Additionally, it suggests that the harsh reactions often stem from the insecurities of the critics themselves, underlining the psychological repercussions of online harassment.
Meghan Markle has once again found herself at the center of a cultural firestorm, this time over her new lifestyle series.
This shift, sometimes called the pedestal effect, occurs when admiration turns to resentment the moment a public figure stops conforming to expectations.
The anonymity of the internet fosters a false sense of power and detachment from consequences, fueling a culture of relentless online bullying.
Hate-fueled comment sections and targeted harassment are not just unpleasant; they have real psychological consequences, increasing anxiety, depression, and even PTSD-like symptoms.