Slow Simmer vs. Quick Boil Awe

The article discusses the dual nature of awe, differentiating between 'quick-boil' awe, which is a temporary feeling linked to thrilling experiences, and 'slow-simmer' awe, a deeper, enduring appreciation for life. Quick-boil awe includes moments like visiting natural wonders or attending concerts, while slow-simmer awe involves cultivating an ongoing sense of wonder in everyday life. The author warns against limiting awe to transient experiences, which could diminish its transformative potential and elevate it to the status of idolatry or mere commercialism.
The quick-boil form of awe tends to link with activities such as visiting the Grand Canyon, while slow-simmer awe transforms those experiences into a long-lasting appreciation for life.
There is a danger in confining awe to a moment or thing, as it can reduce its life-altering qualities and lead to idolatry or commercialism.
Read at Psychology Today