Experience: I'm allergic to nearly everything

The article discusses the author's journey with mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), a condition that led to frequent anaphylaxis due to an overactive immune system. After an eventful university experience, where a simple ice-cream triggered a severe allergic reaction, the author faced significant challenges, including a limited diet restricted to just oats and water. Over time, medications helped restore some food options, but a vacation introduced new allergens, forcing the author back to a restrictive diet. Despite these struggles, the author’s perseverance and adjustment to include a hypoallergenic formula reflect a hopeful outlook amidst adversity.
I've been diagnosed with mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), a rare and incurable condition, where my immune system triggers too frequently, causing severe allergic reactions.
A turning point in my journey occurred at 18, when a seemingly innocent ice-cream treat led to anaphylaxis and my immune system identifying all food as allergens.
Despite the challenges, medications like mast cell stabilizers and antihistamines allowed me to safely include more foods and resume some normal activities.
After an anaphylactic shock during a Caribbean trip, my allergies rapidly changed again, leaving me with oats and water as my only safe foods for nourishment.
Read at www.theguardian.com