Wait, Why Is Novo Selling Weight Loss Drugs for So Cheap in China?

"Novo Nordisk has developed game-changing drugs which, if made affordable, can save the lives of tens of thousands of Americans every year and significantly improve the quality of life of millions more," Sanders thundered. "If not made affordable, Americans throughout this country will needlessly die and suffer."
The news highlights just how broken the pharmaceutical industry is in the US, with companies brazenly ripping off the American people for decades now because they can get away with it.
As the Wall Street Journal reports, the drug will first be issued at a public hospital in Shanghai this week for the price of $193 per one-month supply. That's a staggering discount over the almost $1,350 American customers are shelling out for the exact same thing.
Researchers have noted that overweight and obesity have become a serious public health problem in the nation, particularly among children. Almost every third child in China was deemed overweight back in 2022, and signs point toward the trend accelerating in the coming years.
Read at Futurism