Recent research from universities in California and China reveals that mice demonstrate instinctual first aid behaviors, responding to unconscious companions. Lab footage shows mice performing actions like opening a partner's mouth to clear the airway, which can accelerate recovery. This behavior is linked to the hormone oxytocin, known for fostering social bonding. The study offers insights into animal instinctual care behaviors, drawing parallels to human responses in emergencies, such as CPR.
In adorable lab footage, one of the rodents opens an unconscious partner's mouth and pulls its tongue aside to clear its airway.
The remarkable findings are published of experts at the University of Southern California (USC), University of California, Los Angeles and the University of Science and Technology of China.
Overall, helpful actions including sniffing and grooming, licking of the head, and tongue pulling were shown to 'accelerate recovery from unconsciousness'.
In emergency situations, humans often display 'instinctual first aid behaviors' towards others, the experts say - namely cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).