Exploring Shared Decision-Making in Atrial Fibrillation - News Center

A recent study in the British Medical Journal demonstrates that decision-making aids significantly enhance patient knowledge and shared decision-making in atrial fibrillation treatment. More than 1,000 patients and their physicians participated across six sites, receiving either decision aids or standard care. The findings revealed that patients who utilized decision aids had lower decisional conflict and greater engagement with their treatment options. This research emphasizes the importance of informed decision-making in enhancing medication adherence and the overall effectiveness of care for atrial fibrillation patients.
In the context of atrial fibrillation, there have been patient decision aids - which are meant to be used by patients - and encounter decision aids, which are meant for clinicians to use with patients during a clinical encounter.
Lowering decisional conflict, or personal uncertainty about a decision, by making sure a patient is aware of and understands treatment options and is truly involved in a decision can be critical for the patient to adhere to whatever decision they made.
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