5 Sneaky Signs Of Appendicitis You Shouldn't Ignore

Appendicitis is essentially when the appendix becomes blocked, swollen or infected. It commonly affects people between the ages of 10 and 30, with 8.6% of men and 6.7% of women being diagnosed in their lifetime.
The good news is that, with 'modern technology and healthcare, appendicitis is no longer a life-threatening illness,' said Dr. Kiran Turaga, a professor of surgery at Yale School of Medicine.
However, about half of people with appendicitis don't have the typical presentation of symptoms, which include specific pain, fever and vomiting. This is specifically seen among kids, pregnant women and elderly seniors.
We spoke to physicians about what may emerge as sneaky signs of appendicitis and what to do if you need to seek help: Pain in the lower right side of abdomen.
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