Mark Cuban Rejects Accusations Media Leans Liberal, Says Conservatives Control the Space Today: Mainstream Media Is Not Who You Think It Is'

Cuban stated, "I would just argue that filling in the blanks does not account for that move and the media coverage has been so positive... it’s like, we don’t have to worry about electing this guy who is clearly not up for another four years." In this context, he referred specifically to the stark contrast in media coverage between Vice President Harris and Donald Trump, suggesting that ABC News has overwhelmingly favored the former.
During the discussion, Cuban emphasized, "First, what's the most watched news channel? Who are the most watched and viewed and listened to podcasts?" With Kernen identifying Fox News, Cuban agreed and underscored the dominance and ratings success of right-leaning media outlets over competitors.
"The mainstream media is not who you think it is. The mainstream media truly leans right," Cuban asserted, challenging common perceptions about media bias and underscoring that the landscape appears more conservative than generally believed.
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