Look, I don't like this, I don't like to admit this, I don't like that this is a fact of life, but if you are a psycho and you want to make headlines, you realize that our schools are soft targets," Vance actually said during an Arizona campaign rally. This emphasizes the urgency of addressing the security vulnerabilities in schools while highlighting Vance's discomfort with the reality of school shootings.
AP put out a fuller post where they added the context that Vance was saying he does not like that shootings have become a fact of life, but Vice President Kamala Harris's campaign promoted the original bare-bones post. The shift from a partial to a full context illustrates the challenges of accurate representation in media reporting.
There's little question that the AP or Harris campaign knew exactly what they were doing. I wonder how AP would feel about it if it happened to them? A headline might read: AP Is Against Lying To People,' but, you know, take away the Against,' you got a whole different meaning and one that is the truth," Gutfeld stated, bringing attention to the ethical considerations of media reporting and interpretation.