Streaming vs. Linear: Let Ad Buyers Be Aware | AdExchanger

But by focusing on whether streaming is bigger or better than linear TV - or any other delivery platform for that matter - the ad-buying industry is not asking the right questions to successfully connect marketers and buyers with people.
Linear TV still represents more than half of the audience equation - nearly 62% of total TV usage, according to Nielsen. And none of the parties measuring streaming consumption do it in an apples-to-apples manner.
When people seek content - whether it is for entertainment, diversion or information - they turn to a device to get it. People consume content virtually everywhere today. It could port through a smartphone, a gaming console, a set-top box, a smart TV or streaming device, an app or even a social media platform. People care about receiving content through the portal and on the screen that works for them when they want it. They care less about where the content plugs in and how it is delivered or whether it is linear or streamed. They just want it to work.
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