Reddit is My Surprising Secret to Marketing Success: Here's How I've Used it to Grow My Business

I decided to turn to an underutilized social network for marketing: Reddit. I started participating in as many open threads as I could that related to the services my company offered, building thought leadership and brand equity on the platform.
After a few months, my work on Reddit started to pay off. Potential clients reached out, saying they saw my response on Reddit and were looking for exactly my expertise. We closed two clients from Reddit in six months, which is an incredible ROI.
I also started to notice my responses gaining traction on search result pages, thanks to a 2024 update from Google. I was even invited to speak at a major industry event because of my thought leadership on Reddit.
I had another marketing agency owner who doesn't have PPC experience reach out about collaborating to give clients broader support.
Read at Buffer: All-you-need social media toolkit for small businesses