If you get marketing right, you can drive sales, increase brand recognition, and establish a foundation of enduring success; get it wrong and your company is probably in trouble.
The key to every business is improving your marketing. Companies that build motivated, highly competent marketing teams can achieve significant advantages over their rivals, leading to more sales and increased profitability.
One of the best ways to ensure you have an optimal marketing team is to hire the right people from the start and ensure everyone on the team is value-added. You should seek out experienced sales representatives with a demonstrated track record, preferably in your company's line of business.
Since so many leads and sales are generated through online marketing these days, knowledge on managing social media presence, placing online ads, and search engine optimization (SEO) are essential skills for your sales staff. So take the time to review résumés, ask the right questions, and ensure any potential hires have what it takes to make a difference on your sales team.