EXCLUSIVE: Ted Cruz Narrows Bud Light Investigation Into Ad Agency's Role In Mulvaney Super Bowl Ad

In May, I initiated a congressional investigation into whether Anheuser-Busch's marketing partnership with social media influencer Dylan Mulvaney violated beer industry prohibitions on marketing to minors. At my request, the beer industry's internal Code Compliance Review Board ('CCRB') examined Mulvaney's February 11th and April 1st posts on behalf of Bud Light for potential violations of the industry's Advertising and Marketing Code. Ultimately, dissenting CCRB Judge Paul Summers agreed that Anheuser-Busch had violated the Code because it knew or should have known that Mulvaney primarily appeals to persons below the legal drinking age, especially 'young teens and girls,' Cruz wrote in the letter.
Unfortunately, CCRB failed to investigate the origins of the Bud Light-Mulvaney marketing partnership and advanced a misleading narrative about the brewer's vetting process. Captiv8 is mentioned nowhere in CCRB's opinion-a significant omission given that your company reportedly 'brokered' the deal, he continued.
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