Creativity, Calm, and AI: How HubSpot's Head of Audience Development Breaks the Marketing Mold

According to Nielsen, YouTube topped the list for streaming time for 17 consecutive months in July. YouTube is also the biggest video-sharing platform in the world and the second largest social media platform in the world, with over 2.7 billion users. So it's no wonder Hudson says marketers should look to YouTube to increase visibility for their brands, especially since formerly tried-and-true channels like Google have become more volatile over the last year. "Marketers should really be looking to sharpen their skillsets on YouTube," she says. "It doesn't always have to be keyword and search-based, either. YouTube is very good at understanding what videos should surface based on a few different things, like average view duration and the quality of the content. YouTube is a platform that is going to be super beneficial for any marketer looking to stay in the game."
"We're in the middle of a revolutionary period right now," she says. "Instead of being afraid, it's time to get smart and level up your skillset when it comes to how you're actually bringing in new customers or driving engagement. The landscape is changing fast, and embracing AI is essential for anyone serious about staying relevant in marketing today."
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