11 Ideas To Make $80,000+ From A Side Hustle In 2024

In 2023, the number of independent content creators in the United States was 8.1 million. Today, that number has risen sharply after a plateau in growth, up to almost nine million in 2024—nearly 10% increase from last year, according to MBO Partners' latest report." The data indicates a significant surge in the independent creator economy, positioning content creation as both a viable career and a lucrative side hustle.
A combined 79% of independent content creators are Gen Z and Millennials, which is hardly surprising, given the continued rise of young TikTok and other social media influencers.” This demographic strength underlines the platform's influence and the generational shift towards digital content creation as a primary means of expression and entrepreneurship.
Notably, when looking at the percentage of full-time versus part-time content creators, the number of those creating online content alongside their full-time job was 65%. In comparison, full-time creators comprised only 35% of the content creation industry.
Additionally, content creators are said to make $81,049 on average, according to Salary.com, while those at the upper end of the pay scale can expect to make as much as $90,000 in 2024.” This average income highlights the financial opportunity presented by the content creation industry.
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