Mike Rinder, former Scientology exec who became an Emmy-winning whistleblower, dies at 69

My only real regret is not having achieved what I said I wanted to - ending the abuses of Scientology, especially disconnection and seeing [my son] Jack into adulthood. If you are in any way fighting to end those abuses please keep the flag flying - never give up.
I have been lucky - living two lives in one lifetime. The second one the most wonderful years anyone could wish for with all of you and my new family!
I have shuffled off this mortal coil in accordance with the immutable law that there are only two certainties in life: death and taxes. I rest in peace.
...the website would remain active as an archive with more than 4,000 posts. He described the site as 'a labor of love and passion which has allowed me to speak my mind and offer my perspective with no outside filters.'
Read at Los Angeles Times