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4 months ago
Mental health

Scientology-linked UK drug rehab left vulnerable people traumatised'

A rehab center linked to the Church of Scientology allegedly subjected mentally ill patients to intense psychological drills, leaving them traumatized and in trance-like states.
Former patients and staff at Narconon UK claim vulnerable people seeking help for addiction were misled into thinking they were signing up for a holistic approach to rehabilitation, but instead were subjected to methods similar to those used in Scientology's controversial auditing process.
Participants in the program allegedly experienced mental breakdowns, paranoia, and suicidal thoughts as a result of the repetitive drills that lasted up to five hours a day for several weeks. [ more ]
4 months ago
Mental health

My mind had been shattered into a million pieces': inside the Scientology-linked UK rehab centre

Narconon UK, a rehab center, is facing allegations of safeguarding failings and psychological abuse.
Former patients and staff describe intensive mental exercises similar to Scientology's auditing process being used at Narconon's premises. [ more ]
4 months ago
Mental health

Scientology-linked UK drug rehab left vulnerable people traumatised'

A rehab center linked to the Church of Scientology allegedly subjected mentally ill patients to intense psychological drills, leaving them traumatized and in trance-like states.
Former patients and staff at Narconon UK claim vulnerable people seeking help for addiction were misled into thinking they were signing up for a holistic approach to rehabilitation, but instead were subjected to methods similar to those used in Scientology's controversial auditing process.
Participants in the program allegedly experienced mental breakdowns, paranoia, and suicidal thoughts as a result of the repetitive drills that lasted up to five hours a day for several weeks. [ more ]
4 months ago
Mental health

My mind had been shattered into a million pieces': inside the Scientology-linked UK rehab centre

Narconon UK, a rehab center, is facing allegations of safeguarding failings and psychological abuse.
Former patients and staff describe intensive mental exercises similar to Scientology's auditing process being used at Narconon's premises. [ more ]
BuzzFeed News
2 weeks ago

After TikTok Star Miranda Called Out Netflix's New Docuseries And Maintained That She's Not Part Of A Cult, Her Sister Responded

The struggle of a Scientologist dealing with family reactions to her beliefs. [ more ]
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