Tougher penalties for landlords who break the law

Haringey Council has implemented stricter financial penalties for rogue landlords under the revised Housing Act 2004 policy. Landlords could face fines up to 30,000 for various offences, aimed at ensuring compliance with housing regulations and improving tenant rights. The penalties reflect the severity of the breach, starting from 22,500 for failing to comply with an Improvement Notice. The council emphasizes its commitment to tenant safety and intends to demonstrate that operating unlawfully as a landlord is far less profitable than adhering to regulations. Councillor Sarah Williams reinforced the council's stance against law-breaking landlords.
Rogue landlords could face fines up to 30,000 under new rules introduced by Haringey Council, highlighting its commitment to tenant rights and housing regulations.
Fines for landlords who breach regulations start higher, with non-compliance to an Improvement Notice potentially costing 22,500, showcasing the seriousness of these offences.
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