Suspended Social Democrats TD Eoin Hayes issues correction to Sipo after building-ownership blunderMr. Hayes amended his Dáil register to include his company Cantillon Labs, clarifying his business operations.
Real estate investors plan to expand, make home improvements59% of U.S. landlords plan to acquire new properties in 2025, focusing on efficiency through technology.
Workers forced to return to the office may soon become 'accidental landlords'Clay Spence, a financial analyst, became an 'accidental landlord' by renting out his townhome to benefit from low mortgage rates.
Real estate investors plan to expand, make home improvements59% of U.S. landlords plan to acquire new properties in 2025, focusing on efficiency through technology.
Workers forced to return to the office may soon become 'accidental landlords'Clay Spence, a financial analyst, became an 'accidental landlord' by renting out his townhome to benefit from low mortgage rates.
Worst landlords in NYC had thousands of violations in2024: Public AdvocateNYC's worst landlords have multiple violations, including heat and hot water outages, impacting thousands of tenants during freezing temperatures.
Landlord MP should stand down, renters' union saysLabour MP Jas Athwal faces pressure to resign due to neglectful property management, including severe health and safety issues in his rental properties.
Worst landlords in NYC had thousands of violations in2024: Public AdvocateNYC's worst landlords have multiple violations, including heat and hot water outages, impacting thousands of tenants during freezing temperatures.
Landlord MP should stand down, renters' union saysLabour MP Jas Athwal faces pressure to resign due to neglectful property management, including severe health and safety issues in his rental properties.
'Just reported my old landlord': The internet is naming and shaming L.A. landlords for price gouging during the wildfiresCommunity-driven efforts are combating illegal rent hikes by naming landlords involved in price gouging amidst the aftermath of Southern California wildfires.
Budget a 'chance wasted to prevent mass exodus of landlords'Landlords are leaving the market due to tax regulations, and measures like tax relief are needed to encourage their retention.
'Just reported my old landlord': The internet is naming and shaming L.A. landlords for price gouging during the wildfiresCommunity-driven efforts are combating illegal rent hikes by naming landlords involved in price gouging amidst the aftermath of Southern California wildfires.
Budget a 'chance wasted to prevent mass exodus of landlords'Landlords are leaving the market due to tax regulations, and measures like tax relief are needed to encourage their retention.
Justice Department accuses 6 major landlords of keeping rents highThe lawsuit targets collusion among major landlords to maintain high rents amid a housing crisis affecting millions of American renters.
Department of Justice files lawsuit against 6 of nation's largest landlords for price fixingThe DOJ has filed an antitrust lawsuit against six major landlords for allegedly colluding to keep rental prices high.
Where in California are rents falling the fastest?Rents in California are declining, with Oakland seeing the largest decrease at 8.8%, impacting overall tenant affordability.
SoCal landlords pilloried online for asking too much rentRising rent prices in Southern California are sparking online backlash from potential renters who engage in 'rent shaming' to criticize landlords.
Justice Department accuses 6 major landlords of keeping rents highThe lawsuit targets collusion among major landlords to maintain high rents amid a housing crisis affecting millions of American renters.
Department of Justice files lawsuit against 6 of nation's largest landlords for price fixingThe DOJ has filed an antitrust lawsuit against six major landlords for allegedly colluding to keep rental prices high.
Where in California are rents falling the fastest?Rents in California are declining, with Oakland seeing the largest decrease at 8.8%, impacting overall tenant affordability.
SoCal landlords pilloried online for asking too much rentRising rent prices in Southern California are sparking online backlash from potential renters who engage in 'rent shaming' to criticize landlords.
Landlords defy tax hike as buy-to-let share of market edges higherDespite new tax increases, landlords are maintaining a significant presence in the property market, countering expectations of reduced buy-to-let activity.
Rogue landlords who refused to stop using east London property as HMO fined 18,000Landlords fined £18,000 for illegally renting out a Dagenham property as an HMO despite enforcement notices.
Your Rent May Go Up Because of Rising Insurance Rates | KQEDHigher insurance costs in California are impacting rent for tenants, with many landlords passing costs directly to renters.
Biden to propose national rent cap of 5%President Biden to propose 5% cap on rent hikes for landlords with over 50 rental units.
Biden Said "Rent Cap." Here's What Tenant Organizers Say Must Happen Next.President Biden announced a plan to cap corporate rents at 5% for apartments and homes, covering over 20 million rental units.
Biden to propose national rent cap of 5%President Biden to propose 5% cap on rent hikes for landlords with over 50 rental units.
Biden Said "Rent Cap." Here's What Tenant Organizers Say Must Happen Next.President Biden announced a plan to cap corporate rents at 5% for apartments and homes, covering over 20 million rental units.
L.A. County wants to cap rent hikes at 3%. Landlords say that would push them to sellA proposal in L.A. County aims to limit rent hikes, with different percentages based on property types, to maintain housing affordability and support small landlords.