The Romford Masterplan outlines significant redevelopment plans for the town center, focusing on the Brewery shopping centre, which will make way for a new entrance to Romford station and a riverside park named Brewery Gardens. The plan aims to reveal culverted sections of the River Rom, relocate shops, and remove parking from the Market Place to improve public spaces. Additionally, it envisions an urban boulevard along the ring road and the potential for a rapid transit system. Efforts are being made to ensure the area is safe and inclusive, with consultation feedback informing the decisions.
The Romford Masterplan aims to redevelop the Brewery shopping centre, introduce a new station entrance, and enhance the local environment through the creation of parks and pedestrian-friendly spaces.
With a focus on upgrading public spaces, the plan proposes removing parking from Market Place and transforming the ring road into an urban boulevard with improved crossings and planting.
#urban-development #romford-masterplan #parks-and-recreation #public-spaces #transport-infrastructure