Baiklautchmee Subrian, a primary school teacher with over 35 years of experience, was dismissed from her position at Gilbert Colvin Primary School after a joke made during a Year 6 math class concerning 'whacking' students was reported by a pupil who didn't understand it. Despite Ms Subrian's assertion that the comment was made lightheartedly, the school deemed it inappropriate, especially given the child's limited grasp of English. The tribunal upheld her dismissal, emphasizing the comment's potential to threaten students, illustrating the complexities of communication in diverse classrooms.
Judge Jack Feeny stated, 'I do not consider whether or not the comment was intended as a joke to be particularly important. It was plainly an inappropriate thing to say.'
Ms Subrian argued that the child continued to attend her after-school club which suggests he was not that upset, despite the dismissal's claims of his feelings.
The letter of dismissal noted that the comment, while intended as a joke, could not be expected to be understood by a pupil who did not have English as a first language.
The school's investigation was criticized by Ms Subrian for lacking integrity and not properly addressing the nuances surrounding her comment during class.