I Want to Go Home But I'm Already There by Roisin Lanigan review a housing crisis ghost story

The article discusses Roisin Lanigan's debut novel "I Want to Go Home But I'm Already There," which explores the unsettling nature of rented living through its protagonists, Aine and Elliot. As they settle into a rental in a gentrified London area, Aine experiences an eerie sensation in their new home, raising questions about whether these feelings are supernatural or psychological. The narrative touches on themes of modern renting, gender dynamics, and the impact of past occupants, balancing gothic tropes with sharp social commentary about contemporary life.
To a certain extent, all rented properties are haunted... their fag smoke lingers in the carpets; the post they failed to redirect piles up in the hall.
Aine and Elliot... just moved into a rental together in a gentrified area of London... something about the place unnerves Aine from the very start.
Lanigan is more interested in exploring the psychic toll that renting takes... it’s that old conundrum: ghost or mental illness?
It’s a familiar premise, albeit given a fresh spin. Lanigan is a wry and witty observer of how it feels to live now.
Read at www.theguardian.com