Massive Attack has collaborated with artist Dr. Nelly Ben Hayoun-Stépanian for the immersive installation Piccadilly Un:Plugged in London's West End. The exhibit celebrates London's culture and explores themes of astronomy and space environmentalism, featuring installations like neon cats and extraterrestrial rocks. Massive Attack contributed an unreleased cover of the punk song "Everything is going according to plan" by Russian band Grob, immersing audiences in its dramatic soundscape. Notably, the installation uses Earth-Moon-Earth technology, sending music to the moon, illustrating a blend of art and science, alongside contributions from various artists.
Using the Earth-Moon-Earth technology to transmit sounds to the moon and back is a fascinating fusion of science and art. To receive speech and music this way is a technical challenge and requires powerful radio telescopes, such as The University.
'Everything is going according to plan' was written by Yegor Letov in the 1980's and was a withering critique of the Russian state. It was performed live in Russian language by Massive Attack in 2013 as part of a collaborative show with filmmaker Adam Curtis.
#massive-attack #dr-nelly-ben-hayoun-stepanian #piccadilly-unplugged #earth-moon-earth-technology #art-installation