Plans to demolish Croydon stately home for new houses 'will ruin lives'

"We would like to register our distress at the approval recommendation on the above planning application. Car parking and bin storage for this development will be next to our boundaries, which is a low-level fence with the proposed development above this, because of the road incline, which is 493cm from our main living area doors."
"The seven parking bays planned opposite us will ensure we suffer exposure to nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter as well as elevated noise pollution and lose our quiet enjoyment in our main living area and garden."
"Car pollution, rotting waste smells, rodents spreading disease attracted by the rotting waste. Basically, our life will be reduced to a living hell. It appears that this does not matter to the councillors."
"There is no bus route on this winding and steep incline of a road. Rarely does a cyclist or pedestrian travel along this avenue, which further exacerbates our concerns about the proposed development."
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