Mental health patients with nowhere to go cost NHS 71m in England, report finds

According to a recent report by the National Housing Federation (NHF), the lack of supported housing led to significant delays in the discharge of mental health patients from hospitals in England, costing the NHS around 71 million. In the 2023-24 period, there were over 109,000 days of delayed discharge related to this issue, and the situation has worsened since 2021. With financial pressures causing many supported housing providers to close and a rising demand for such services post-Covid, the infrastructure needed to support mental health patients is under severe strain, leading to increased homelessness and more pressure on public services.
A lack of supported housing was the biggest reason for delayed discharges from mental health hospitals in England last year.
Not only are tens of thousands of people... being failed, but the shortage of these homes is increasing pressure on public services.
The industry was facing a perfect storm... it has got ridiculously tough; you've got inflation, recruitment costs, local government budget cuts.
The NHS faced about 71m in costs due to delays linked to the lack of supported housing for mental health patients.
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