Tate is planning to reduce its workforce by 7% as part of an initiative to cut costs in response to a budget deficit for 2024-2025. This reduction involves trimming approximately 40 roles through various measures, including recruitment freezes and voluntary exits, albeit without a public redundancy scheme. The museum revealed the ongoing financial strain due to escalating utility costs, decreased public funding, and inflation concerns affecting tourism operations. High-profile departures among senior directors have prompted worry about the institution's long-term stability and employee morale.
"The entire sector is being affected by the rising cost of utilities and services, the real-terms decline in public funding, and the impact of inflation on consumer spending and tourism."
"In 2020, after six months of Covid-induced closure, the institution openly sought staffing cuts of 12% in order to save the £4.8m it said it needed to survive the pandemic."
"There were no compulsory redundancies last year [in 2023-2024] and none so far this year [in 2024-2025]."
"These high-level exits have raised concern that by cutting roles, Tate risks staffing quality and institutional knowledge loss."