Texas AG Ken Paxton Sues County Over Its Efforts to Register More Voters

At best, this proposal is ill-advised because it potentially confuses residents of Bexar County about whether they are eligible to vote. At worst, it may induce the commission of a crime by encouraging individuals who are ineligible to vote to provide false information on the form. Either way, it is illegal.
Paxton warned lawmakers in both counties that he would litigate the matter if they moved forward, dubiously claiming that the action would violate the Election Code because counties don't have the explicit authority to send out such materials if they haven't been specifically requested by individual residents.
Paxton's arguments don't hold much weight - for starters, registration documents are accessible to anyone who wants them, including noncitizens, through either a request to a municipal government's office or through downloading them online and submitting them by mail.
The Election Code doesn't explicitly prohibit such an action, either, showing the weak foundation of Paxton's claims in his legal threats against Bexar and Harris counties.
Read at Truthout