Tens of thousands of activists prepare protests over Gaza war at Democratic National Convention

Some 40,000 protesters are expected to gather outside the Democratic National Convention in Chicago to demonstrate against the Biden administration's position on Israel, highlighting the tensions regarding U.S. military support for Israel amid the ongoing violence in Gaza. This protest aims not only to voice dissent but also to push for specific amendments to the party's platform, particularly advocating for an arms embargo and laws that enforce accountability for human rights violations.
Liano Sharon, a delegate actively involved in the protest, articulated the sentiment of many when he stated, 'Freedom of expression necessarily includes the right to stand up and be heard even when the authority in the room says to shut up.' His remarks underline the importance of using political platforms to provoke necessary dialogue and challenge authoritative stances, emphasizing that conventional political engagements should transcend mere formalities.
The Uncommitted National Movement, another group pushing for changes regarding U.S. policy on Israel, highlights the growing discontent within the party ranks. They have successfully gathered more than 30 delegates in primary elections but are currently facing hurdles in securing a platform on the main stage to raise their concerns. Their pursuit reflects a broader trend among party members who feel marginalized on critical issues impacting foreign policy.
Organizers from Delegates Against Genocide emphasized their commitment to being heard during this pivotal event, saying, 'We're going to make our voices heard, and we will offer amendments to the party platform.' This statement illustrates the group's determination to influence the convention's discourse and advocate for humanitarian considerations in U.S. foreign policy decisions related to Israel.
Read at www.theguardian.com