This idea of noncitizen voting is now a loud drumbeat and dog whistle. The argument is literally being made now that noncitizen votes are canceling out the votes of citizens. Ari Berman: And none of it is grounded in any kind of fact. There's no evidence of noncitizen voting, and it doesn't even make any logical sense why someone would come here in search of a better life and then risk deportation, or worse, to cast a ballot. That's probably the last thing on their minds. But it's the newest version of the Big Lie, and it's really a twofer for them because they are fusing voter fraud paranoia with anti-immigrant hysteria.
One of the stories we don't get entirely right about what happened in 2020 is: 'They tried to steal the election and they failed, therefore, the system held.' But a lot has changed since 2020. This time around, nobody's waiting. Republican lawyers have already filed around 100 lawsuits. This has been a period of real learning by the folks who.