Key voting groups are shifting in the race between Biden and Trump

The latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll showed President Biden and former President Trump in a statistical tie, with Biden leading by a slim 2-point margin. This surprising closeness indicates that voters, even after a previous encounter, might not be as fixed in their preferences as anticipated.
Around 40% of respondents expressed a willingness to reconsider their candidate choice, challenging the notion that the electorate is firmly divided between Biden and Trump. Shifting demographics and wavering support among key groups like young voters, Latinos, and independents could significantly impact the political landscape.
"It's a big deal, because we're in the beginnings of a seismic shift in the nature of our parties," said Lee Miringoff, from Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. The ongoing coalition changes pose questions about the future political landscape and potential shifts in voter trends over the next decade.
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