Joe's doubts on his veep, Biden's ungraceful exit and other commentary

President Biden hesitated on re-election over doubts about Harris. Aides raised concerns about her handling of responsibilities and staff turnover, highlighting her reluctance and focus on negative coverage.
Biden's exit portrayed as graceful despite internal chaos. Harris deemed unfit by some, with criticisms of her team dynamics and risk aversion. Democrats acknowledge Biden's decline and media scrutiny on his mental fitness.
Questions raised on Harris's capability to beat Trump. Her name recognition as VP doesn't guarantee electoral success, leaving uncertainties over her potential performance.
The article highlights concerns over Vice President Kamala Harris's capability to take on Donald Trump in an election, showcasing internal doubts and criticisms of her approach as a potential nominee.
Critiques of Biden's exit and Harris's suitability for the presidency amid doubts and criticisms within the Democratic leadership and media speculation over her chances against Trump.
Analysis questions Harris's ability to defeat Trump despite her recognition as Vice President, signaling uncertainties over her electoral prospects against a formidable opponent.
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