At a noisy holiday party, a friend pulled me aside for a quiet conversation. He's long been a major Democratic donor in New York and nationally but has grown increasingly disenchanted with the party's far-left policies.'You were right about Trump,' he whispered, before delivering the bombshell: 'And I voted for him.' We shook hands and laughed. The election resulted in numerous Dems switching sides, but my friend's conversion stands out because it shows Trump cut into the top ranks of the party hierarchy.
The horror at Biden's betrayal of his promise not to pardon Hunter recalls the story about the newspaper astrologer who was surprised when he was fired: If he was any good, he would have seen it coming. Misplaced belief. So it is with the Dems and media stenographers who are barking mad at Biden. Did they really believe his pledges not to pardon his son under any circumstances?
Claims that the Hunter pardon threatens Biden's legacy suggests the suckers actually believed the Hitler-hysteria that Trump was a threat to all that is pure and good and that Biden was an honorable and honest man.
The pardon doesn't threaten Biden's legacy. It cements it. He's been corrupt for decades, as the family influence-peddling scheme proved.