Is replacing Joe Biden on the ticket 'unlawful'? Election law experts say it's not. - Poynter

Johnson promised that the 'legal hurdles in some of these states' would 'be litigated.' Johnson went even further on ABC News' 'This Week' the same day, saying he thought it would be 'unlawful' to replace Biden on the ticket should he drop out.
President Donald Trump's supporters and some influencers took to social media to make a similar argument. They said Democrats had 'subverted democracy' or that it is a sign Democrats will 'cheat' or are cheating.
Stephen Miller, a former White House aide under Trump, posted on X that 'Democrats just canceled democracy. They threw out an entire primary and used donor extortion to do so. Like a third world state.'
Although Republicans are free to file legal challenges - and it's impossible to predict exactly how courts may rule on those challenges - election law experts agreed that legal precedent sides with Democrats.
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