In his victory speech, Deaton challenged Warren to five single-issue debates. "Let's give the voters a good look and let them decide who's better equipped to fight for women. I'm a Marine officer and a father of girls, I would protect and honor women's reproductive rights and defend the laws of Massachusetts as it relates to abortion," he said.
Warren, in a release Tuesday night, said she accepted two debates that would take place in October. One would take place in Boston and be sponsored by The Boston Globe and WBZ. The other would take place in Springfield and be sponsored by GBH and New England Public Media.
Janice Rottenberg, Warren's campaign manager, attacked Deaton in an accompanying statement, characterizing him as a candidate who was picked by billionaires and corporate elites. "A small handful of crypto billionaires and corporate special interests poured more than $2 million into a super PAC to handpick their preferred Republican candidate, and now Massachusetts voters have a clear choice that could determine cont..."